If you are looking to start an business in the UK which is truly innovative, and you can prove that it is different to anything already on the market, a Start-up Visa might be right for you.

In order to apply for a Start-up Visa, you must provide evidence that:

👉 you have a proposal for a business which is:

➡️ new

➡️ original, innovative and unlike anything which is already on the market

➡️ viable and has the potential to grow

👉 you and your proposal have been endorsed by either:

➡️ a UK university or college

➡️ a business organisation with a track record of providing support to entrepreneurs operating in the UK

👉 you have enough money to support yourself in the UK when you arrive, or prior to switching to this visa

➡️ this is usually defined as having a minimum of £1270 in your bank account for at least 28 consecutive days before applying

A Start-up visa is valid for up to two years, but cannot be extended. If you are granted a Start-up visa and wish to remain in the UK when it expires, you may have to apply to switch to another visa. If you have successfully established your business and remain involved in its day-to-day operations, you may be able to switch to an Innovator Founder Visa.

Visa process and costs

Once the Home Office is in receipt of your application and any supporting documentation, you can usually expect to receive a decision within three weeks if you are applying from outside the UK. If you are already in the UK when you apply, getting a decision can take up to 8 weeks.  You may be able to receive a decision within in a few working days depending on your specific circumstances by paying for UK Visas and Immigration’s priority or super priority service.

Applications for a Start-up Visa cost £378 if applying from outside the UK, and £508 from within the UK. If you wish to include any dependents to your application i.e. your partner and/or any children, you will have to pay the same amount again per each person you want to add.

You will also have to pay the UK’s healthcare surcharge as part of your application for each year that the visa will be valid.

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