In order to qualify for a Pathway Student Visa, you must:
👉 have received an offer of a study pathway by one or more recognised education providers
➡️ this might be at a school, vocational college, university or English language study provider, or a combination of these
👉 be able to provide the details of the courses you will be studying as part of the study pathway
👉 have made arrangements for the payment of your tuition fees for either the whole course or one year of study, whichever is shorter
➡️ the fees can be paid by yourself or by a third party e.g. a scholarship or study loan
➡️ if you are exempt from paying fees for your intended course, you will have to provide evidence of this
👉 be able to demonstrate that you will be able to pay for all the courses that make up your study pathway
👉 commit to securing sufficient travel and medical insurance for your stay
👉 have enough funds or support (e.g. via a sponsor or homestay family) to cover your living and accomodation costs while in New Zealand
👉 if the applicant is aged 9 or younger, be accompanied by a parent or guardian or intend to live in an approved school hostel
👉 demonstrate (through a travel ticket, funds or sponsorship) that you have the means to leave New Zealand when or before your visa expires
👉 meet standard health and good character requirements for New Zealand visas